Satmap DAV, OEAV German Alpine Club Maps
Product Code: DE-DAV-25-SD-003
Item is no longer available.

Satmap DAV, OEAV German Alpine Club Maps
Product Code: DE-DAV-25-SD-003
Item is no longer available.
A new and improved version of the German and Austrian Alpine Club map (Alpenvereinskarte Version 3) on SD card for use with the Active 10 GPS is now available. The German & Austrian Alpine Club (DAV/OeAV) has its own cartographic department which has developed a reputation for producing some of the best tourist mapping available for key Alpine resorts. In a unique partnership, Satmap has worked with the DAV/OeAV to put this outstanding mapping onto the Active 10 GPS, giving users high quality topographical mapping overlaid with useful information. The DAV/OeAV and Satmap have worked very hard to enhance the quality of the Version 3 map with even more accurately geo-referenced data of an even higher resolution.The map covers key Alpine areas in Germany and Austria. The Version 3 map includes 8 new and 5 updated DAV/OeAV maps, plus 6 new and 3 updated Bavarian maps making a total of 70 areas covered in various scales of 1:25,000 or 1:50,000.
As before, the maps highlight useful information, such as the location of DAV huts, shelters and other accommodation options, and highlight trails, routes and protected areas. Important information. The DAV/OeAV maps have very detailed information, and surface topography imagery.
However, due to the historical surveying of the maps, positioning errors may occur. Rely on the maps only as a rough position to be used. The use of GPS maps is not a replacement for usual orientation techniques.
Wichtige Information Die DAV/OeAV Karten haben die detailreichsten Reliefinformationen und Oberflächendarstellungen.
Aufgrund der historischen Vermessung der Karten können allerdings Positionsfehler auftreten. Daherdarf die Karte nur zu einer groben Positionsbestimmung benutzt werden.
Vernachlässigen Sie beim Einsatz dieser GPS Karten nicht die üblichen Orientierungstechniken.
- OEAV/DAV & BEV 1:25 000 2/1
- Allgäuer- und Lechtaler Alpen, Ost 2/2
- Allgäuer- und Lechtaler Alpen, West 3/2
- Lechtaler Alpen, Arlberggebiet 3/3
- Lechtaler Alpen, Parseierspitze ¾
- Lechtaler Alpen, Heiterwand- und Muttekopfgebeit 4/1
- Wetterstein- und Mieminger Gebirge, West 4/2
- Wetterstein- und Mieminger Gebirge, Mitte 4/3
- Wetterstein- und Mieminger Gebirge, Ost 5/1
- Karwendelgebirge - West 5/2
- Karwendelgebirge - Mitte 5/3
- Karwendelgebirge - Ost 6
- Rofangebirge 8
- Kaisergebirge 9
- Loferer- und Leoganger Steinberge 10/1
- Steinernes Meer 10/2
- Hochkönig, Hagengebirge 13
- Tennengebirge 14
- Dachstein 15/1
- Totes Gebirge, West 15/2
- Totes Gebirge, Mitte 15/3
- Totes Gebirge, Ost 16
- Ennstaler Alpen, Gesäuse 26
- Silvrettagruppe* 28/2
- Verwallgruppe - Mitte 30/1
- Ötztaler Alpen, Gurgl 30/2
- Ötztaler Alpen, Weißkugel 30/3
- Ötztaler Alpen, Kaunergrat 30/4
- Ötztaler Alpen, Nauderer Berge 30/5
- Ötztaler Alpen, Geigenkamm 31/1
- Stubaier Alpen, Hochstubai 31/2
- Stubaier Alpen, Sellrain 35/1
- Zillertaler Alpen - West 35/2
- Zillertaler Alpen - Mitte 35/3
- Zillertaler Alpen - Ost 36
- Venedigergruppe* 39
- Granatspitzgruppe* 40
- Glocknergruppe 41
- Schobergruppe* 42
- Sonnblick* 44
- Hochalmspitz-Ankogel 51
- Brentagruppe 52/1
- Langkofel- und Sellagruppe