Shop now for Satmap The Yorkshire Dales (OS 1:25k)

Satmap The Yorkshire Dales (OS 1:25k)

Product Code: UK-NP-PREM-SD-003-T
Product Code: UK-NP-PREM-SD-003-T is Discontinued.
Map cards are no longer available for Satmap GPS handhelds.

Garmin handhelds are a great alternative that might suit your needs.
Shop now for Satmap The Yorkshire Dales (OS 1:25k)

Satmap The Yorkshire Dales (OS 1:25k)

Product Code: UK-NP-PREM-SD-003-T is Discontinued.
Map cards are no longer available for Satmap GPS handhelds.

Garmin handhelds are a great alternative that might suit your needs.


The Yorkshire Dales is a park of great beauty which draws many visitors in to enjoy the unique landscape of high fells and heather moors above steep grassy valleys, limestone cliffs, wooded scars and caverns scoured by rushing rivers. There is a network of over 2,000 km of footpaths, bridleways and byways, and over half of the Park is open access land, so there are plenty of opportunities to enjoy this countryside. For the less energetic moments, the Yorkshire Dales are blessed with many unspoiled picturesque villages and hamlets, allowing all the family to enjoy this park.