Shop now for Garmin Circular 18 Pin Retrofit Adapter with 6 Pin/7 Pin Ends

Garmin Circular 18 Pin Retrofit Adapter with 6 Pin/7 Pin Ends

Product Code: 010-10210-00

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Shop now for Garmin Circular 18 Pin Retrofit Adapter with 6 Pin/7 Pin Ends

Garmin Circular 18 Pin Retrofit Adapter with 6 Pin/7 Pin Ends

Product Code: 010-10210-00
Item is no longer available.


This cable is a retrofit cable that can be used to connect an 18-pin terminated GPS or Fishfinder to a 6-pin/7-pin power supply.  The cable plugs into the back of the GPS unit and then splits to connect to the transducer and power supply.

The cable works with the following devices;

Fishfinder 160C, 340C
GPSMAP 172C, 178C Sounder
Fishfinder 100 series, 160 series, 240 series, 250 series
GPSMAP 292, 392. 492
GPSMAP 168 Sounder, 172, 178 Sounder, 185 Sounder, 188/188 Sounder, 198C Sounder
GPSMAP 238 Sounder, 298/298C Sounder