Satmap Rep. of Ireland & NI 1:50k/1:25k Hotspots
Product Code: a10-ire-full
Item is no longer available.

Satmap Rep. of Ireland & NI 1:50k/1:25k Hotspots
Product Code: a10-ire-full
Item is no longer available.
Digital maps contained:
- Topographical Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) 1:50,000 of Northern Ireland
- Topographical Ordnance Survey Northern Ireland (OSNI) 1:25,000 "Hotspots"
o The Glens of Antrim
o Sperrins
o Strangford Lough
o Lough Erne
o Mournes - Topographical Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) 1:50,000 of whole of Republic of Ireland
- Base Mapping: Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) 1:210,000 of whole of Ireland (Northern & Republic)
Toggleable Map
This map is toggleable. Toggling is a new feature available only on version 1.4 of Satmap's platform software (downloadable for free from www.satmap.com software page). You must have version 1.4 or later in order for this map to work. Toggling allows the user to flick between two map scales of the same area - rather than zooming in all the way into the 1:25,000 scale or all the way out to the 1:50,000 scale, you can jump between one scale and another at the flick of a switch! In order to toggle a map (flick between the two scales) - you must be in an area of the map where the two different scales overlap. At the appropriate zoom levels, the "toggle sign" will become bold - which means you can click the "toggle button" and flick from scale to scale (instead of zooming).